What Are The Advantages Of Red Light Therapy For Your Full Body (At Home)?

red light therapy full body

Red light therapy has been proven to help with many health concerns such as skin conditions, joint pain, and even mood disorders.


By having a red light therapy device at home, you can easily incorporate it into your daily routine and see the benefits without having to make frequent trips to a clinic or salon. 


Additionally, using a red light therapy device at home can save time and money in the long run. With consistent use, you may even see improved results compared to sporadic salon visits. 


What Is Red  Light Therapy And How Does It Work?

Red light therapy involves exposing the body to low-level, red-wavelength light. This light penetrates the skin and can stimulate cellular processes that lead to improved health benefits. It is a non-invasive, painless treatment with minimal side effects. 


The therapy involves the use of devices that emit red and near-infrared light, which have been shown to improve skin health, reduce pain and inflammation, and boost mood and energy levels.


Are There Scientific Studies That Support The Effectiveness of Red Light Therapy?

One of the questions that people commonly ask about Red light therapy is if there is scientific proof that it actually works.


The answer is yes, there have been numerous studies conducted on the effectiveness of Red light therapy.


For example, a study published in Lasers in Surgery and Medicine found that red light therapy was effective in improving symptoms of knee osteoarthritis.


Another study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology found that red light therapy significantly improved the appearance of wrinkles, skin texture, and hyperpigmentation.


At the end of the day, while there may still be some sceptics, the amount of scientific evidence supporting red light therapy continues to grow. And with its non-invasive nature and lack of side effects, it is definitely worth a try for those looking for natural solutions to their health concerns.


The Benefits of Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy has been proven to offer  a variety of health benefits, including but not limited to:


1. Improved skin health and appearance

For both men and women, the appearance of the skin matters the most. In Australia, and also globally, a lot of emphases has been placed on having a youthful and healthy complexion. Red light therapy has been found to improve the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, skin texture and elasticity, dark spots,  and even acne.


2. Reduced joint pain and inflammation

If you suffer from chronic joint pain or inflammation, red light therapy may be able to offer some relief. Studies have shown that red light therapy can reduce joint pain and inflammation, particularly in the knees, hands, and shoulders.


3. Improved mood and energy levels

Red light therapy has also been found to have a positive impact on mood and energy levels. One study conducted on individuals with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) found that red light therapy was effective in improving symptoms.


4  Enhanced healing and recovery

Red light therapy has also been found to improve the healing process by promoting collagen production and increasing blood flow to injured areas. This can be beneficial for anyone, from athletes looking to enhance their recovery time to individuals with chronic wounds or injuries.


5. Improved hair growth

Hair loss and thinning hair are common concerns for both men and women. Red light therapy has been found to improve hair growth and thickness in both men and women with alopecia or other forms of hair loss.


6. Brain protection

Red light therapy also offers potential benefits for brain health and function. One study found that red light therapy helped protect against brain damage and improve cognitive function in rats with induced stroke.


7. Improved sleep

Not getting enough quality sleep can have a negative impact on our overall health and well-being. Red light therapy has been shown to improve sleep quality, particularly for individuals with insomnia. 


8. Improved eye health

The eyes are another important aspect of our overall appearance, as well as our ability to see and function properly in daily life. Red light therapy has been found to improve vision, particularly in individuals with age-related macular degeneration. It has also been shown to reduce eye strain and improve dry eye symptoms.


9. Improved oral health

The health of our teeth and gums is also crucial for both appearance and overall well-being. Red light therapy has been found to improve gum health and reduce inflammation in individuals with periodontal disease. It may also be effective in reducing the pain and discomfort associated with canker sores or cold sores.


10. Boosted immune system

Having a strong immune system can help us fight off illnesses and infections. Red light therapy has been found to boost the immune system and increase white blood cell count, potentially reducing the risk of illness.


11. Improved metabolism

Red light therapy may also have a positive impact on metabolism and weight management. One study found that red light therapy combined with exercise helped improve body composition, including reduced body fat and waist circumference, in obese women.


12. Improved sexual performance

Red light therapy has also been found to improve sexual performance and satisfaction in men with erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation.

Overall, red light therapy offers a wide range of potential benefits for overall health and well-being. Having a red light therapy device at home allows you the convenience and flexibility to incorporate this into your daily self-care routine.


The 5 Best Sellers of Red Light Therapy Devices In Australia

Here are 5 reputable  brands and their best-selling red light therapy devices for at-home use:


1. Lumitter

Lumitter offers a red light therapy device with 18 LED bulbs, covering a large surface area for full-body use. It also has an adjustable stand and can be used on the face, scalp, or any other targeted area.


2. iRestore

This brand offers a laser helmet for hair growth that uses both red light and laser technology. It is FDA-cleared for both men and women.


3. Nirvana Tech

This brand offers a red light therapy bed, allowing you to lie down and relax while receiving full-body treatment. It has LED panels on the top and bottom for 360-degree coverage.


4. LightStim

This brand offers a handheld red light therapy device for targeting specific areas on the face or body. It has 18 LED bulbs and comes with a 1-year warranty.


5. Joovv

This brand offers both full-body red light therapy devices and targeted devices for the face, scalp, or other specific areas. They also have options for both home and professional use.


As always, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment or therapy, including red light therapy. However, incorporating red light therapy into your at-home self-care routine may offer a variety of potential benefits for your overall health and well-being.


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few questions that  are commonly asked about red light therapy:


1. Is red light therapy safe?

Yes, red light therapy is generally considered safe with little to no known side effects. However, as with any new treatment or therapy, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting.


2. How often should I use red light therapy?

It depends on the specific condition being treated and the recommendation of your healthcare professional. However, for general wellness, red light therapy can typically be used daily.


3. Can red light therapy be used on all skin types and colours?

Yes, red light therapy can be safely used on all skin types and colours. It may even have added benefits for individuals with darker skin, as they are more susceptible to certain conditions such as hyperpigmentation.


4. Can red light therapy be used with other treatments or therapies?

Yes, red light therapy can typically be safely used in combination with other treatments or therapies. However, it is always important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment or therapy.


5. Are there any known negative side effects of red light therapy?

There are little to no known negative side effects of red light therapy. However, as with any new treatment or therapy, it is always important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting.



Overall, red light therapy offers a wide range of potential benefits for both physical and mental health, including improved skin appearance, joint, and muscle pain relief, and even enhanced sexual performance. Having a red light therapy device at home allows you the convenience and flexibility to incorporate this into your daily self-care routine. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment or therapy, and explore the various options available for at-home red light therapy devices.