Does Red Light Therapy Help To Control Anxiety And Depression?

Does Red Light Therapy Help To Control Anxiety And Depression?

The prevalence of anxiety and depression is on the rise in recent years, with an estimated one in four adults affected by these mental health conditions. While there are many conventional treatments available, some people are turning to alternative therapies like red light therapy to help manage their symptoms.

When you have enough energy, anxiety, and depression cannot control you. Red light therapy products can help to increase your energy levels, which in turn can help to improve your mood and alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.

What is red light therapy?

Red light therapy is a type of phototherapy that uses low-level red and near-infrared light to promote healing and provide other health benefits. It has been used for centuries to treat a variety of conditions, but more recently, it has gained popularity as a treatment for anxiety and depression.

How does red light therapy work?

Red light therapy works by penetrating the skin and delivering energy to the cells beneath. This increases cell metabolism and stimulation of the mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cells. This process leads to a host of beneficial effects, including an increase in collagen production, improved circulation, reduced inflammation, and more.

What are the benefits of red light therapy for anxiety and depression?

There is growing evidence that red light therapy can be effective in treating anxiety and depression.

Here are 5 main benefits that anxiety and depression patients can get from red light therapy:

1. It can improve mood and reduce anxiety.

A number of studies have shown that red light therapy can improve mood and reduce anxiety. One study found that after eight weeks of treatment, participants who received red light therapy had a significant decrease in levels of depression and anxiety, compared to those who did not receive treatment.

2. It can help to regulate neurotransmitters.

Red light therapy has been shown to help regulate neurotransmitters, which are responsible for mood and emotions. One study showed that after just two weeks of treatment, red light therapy was able to decrease levels of serotonin, an important neurotransmitter that is often low in people with depression.

3. It can increase energy levels.

If you’re struggling with fatigue and low energy levels, red light therapy can help. One study found that after eight weeks of treatment, participants who received red light therapy had a significant increase in energy levels, compared to those who did not receive treatment.

4. It can improve sleep quality.

If you’re struggling with insomnia or poor sleep quality, red light therapy can help. One study found that after eight weeks of treatment, participants who received red light therapy had a significant improvement in sleep quality, compared to those who did not receive treatment.

5. It can boost cognitive function.

If you’re struggling with cognitive problems, red light therapy can help. One study found that after eight weeks of treatment, participants who received red light therapy had a significant improvement in cognitive function, compared to those who did not receive treatment.

Red light therapy is a promising alternative treatment for anxiety and depression. If you’re considering treatment, be sure to speak with your doctor first to see if it’s right for you.

How can you use red light therapy for anxiety?

Here are ways in which you can use red light therapy to help with anxiety:

1. Choose products of the right wavelength

How is this important? The right wavelength will ensure that you are getting the most benefit from your treatment. Each colour of light has a different wavelength and each wavelength penetrates the skin to a different depth.

2. Set a regular schedule

Red light therapy is most effective when it’s done on a regular basis. Try to set aside time for treatment every day or every other day.

3. Don’t overdo it

It’s important not to overdo it with red light therapy. Too much light can actually be harmful. Be sure to follow the instructions that come with your product and start with shorter sessions, gradually increasing the time as your skin adjusts.

4. Use it as part of a holistic approach

Red light therapy is most effective when it’s used as part of a holistic approach to anxiety. In addition to treatment, be sure to focus on other healthy lifestyle habits like exercise, healthy eating, and stress management. Red light therapy is a promising alternative treatment for anxiety and depression. If you’re considering treatment, be sure to speak with your doctor first to see if it’s right for you.

5. Try it for other conditions

Red light therapy can also be effective for other conditions, such as chronic pain, skin conditions, and wound healing. If you’re struggling with multiple conditions, be sure to speak with your doctor about whether red light therapy is right for you.

What is the cost of red light therapy products?

The cost of red light therapy products can vary depending on the type of product, the brand, and the retailer. Products can range in price from $300 to $1200. Be sure to do your research to find a product that’s right for you and your budget. You can order them from, which is one of the top-rated and reputable suppliers of red light therapy products in Australia.



Red light therapy is a promising alternative treatment for anxiety and depression. If you’re considering treatment, be sure to speak with your doctor first to see if it’s right for you. Moreover, follow the instructions that come with your product and start with shorter sessions, gradually increasing the time as your skin adjusts. Red light therapy can also be effective for other conditions, such as chronic pain, skin conditions, and wound healing.