Red Light Therapy and its Health Benefits

Red Light Therapy and its Health Benefits


Alternative therapies are becoming increasingly popular, in part, due to the rising prioritisation of health, both physical and mental, via self-care. Because these alternative therapies boast an abundance of unique benefits, the use-case for each is widespread; from sauna use, cold plunges, cryotherapy, and/or red light therapy devices…






Whether you’re an average Joe or Jane looking to improve your health and well-being, or you’re an elite athlete looking to optimize recovery and performance, alternative therapies are an all but necessary implement.

One such therapy that’s garnering more attention than most is red light therapy… With promising research surrounding its performance and recovery benefits, and comprising endless anecdotal evidence regarding the same, it’s no surprise that red light therapy is quickly becoming a primary mechanism for improving one’s health and wellness.

With that said, in what follows, we’ll be diving deep into what red light therapy is, how it works, what its many benefits are, and concluding by answering several pressing questions surrounding the topic.






What is Red Light Therapy?

Otherwise abbreviated as RLT, red light therapy is an alternative treatment and prevention mechanism used for a variety of health and medical reasons which we’ll discuss shortly.

As the name suggests, RLT exposes your body to infrared red light wavelengths at low levels. According to its claims, RLT stimulates the absorption of energy given off by the infrared red light, ultimately triggering cellular repair and regeneration, as well as blood flow, collagen production, and more.

The end result is widespread, encompassing benefits that include skin improvements and muscular recovery, among others… Contrary to popular belief, red light therapy does not expose the skin to harmful UV Rays like a standard tanning bed would, for example. 

The Health Benefits of Red Light Therapy

Although more research certainly needs to be done on the matter before conclusively suggesting its claims, there’s no denying its many benefits from an anecdotal perspective. Finally, as mentioned above, the research that has been done thus far is more than promising.

With that said, below are several potential and actualised benefits from partaking in regular red light therapy sessions, whether via an at-home portable device or in-clinic medical grade RLT device or infrared sauna.

Note that while there are several beneficial claims, below are the most prominent…






Promotes Faster Muscular Recovery

During any level of exercise, our bodies undergo muscular breakdown, especially during the more strenuous workouts… Though this is normal and even necessary, without recovery, injury and lack of performance gains are the likely outcomes. Luckily, RLT has been shown through various studies and trials to not only promote recovery but faster recovery, reducing delayed onset muscle soreness in the process! Getting the red light device out straight after conducting a workout is a great way to stay in a routine for use. The Lumitter Handheld is great for this as it is compact and easy to transport




Enhances Athletic Performance

Boasting hundreds of studies and clinical trials on the subject, RLT is strongly linked to the promotion of enhanced athletic performance; from speed and endurance to strength and power. Whether this is due to its ability to expedite recovery and return from injury, however, is still up for debate. Use the Lumitter Full Body prior to performance to get get the whole body firing prior to activity




Improves Skin Health and Structure

Due, in part, to the nature of cellular energy production triggered by RLT and, in part, to its stimulation of collagen production, RLT is strongly correlated to improving skin health; from reducing stretch marks, wrinkles, and age spots, to improving skin texture, acne, and even hair growth.






Triggers Tissue Repair and Wound Healing

Because of its ability to stimulate collagen production, RLT plays a major role in skin health, particularly for those in the process of healing wounds or other skin-related damage such as sunburns, scars, or autoimmune conditions such as psoriasis, rosacea, and eczema.






Relieves Pain from Injury

Withstanding the relief from general stiffness, soreness, and inflammation garnered from frequent and intense physical activity, RLT has also been shown to promote healing in those who have suffered traumatic injuries such as Achilles tendon damage or otherwise.






May Reduce Side Effects from Cancer Treatments

This is not to suggest that RLT is a treatment option for cancer; this would be otherwise classified as a false claim… However, it has been studied and shown to potentially reduce the side effects of some cancer treatments.






Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)





In this section, we uncover the most frequently asked and pressing questions surrounding red light therapy…






Is Red Light Therapy Safe?

Red light therapy is, for all intents and purposes, safe if used responsibly and as directed. With zero toxic emissions or exposures, there are virtually no negative side effects to RLT.






How Many RLT Sessions Do I Need to Experience its Benefits?

Depending on your reason for use, whether for general health improvements or for conditional treatment, RLT is likely to require ongoing use in order to experience long-lasting results. While one session is certain to make you feel better, the results are likely fleeting.






Are At-Home RLT Devices Just as Effective?





That’s right, instead of visiting a clinic that has a comprehensive red light therapy sauna, you can actually purchase your own at-home RLT device that emits similar stimuli. The question is whether or not it’s worth it… The answer? Though just as safe, RLT at-home devices are likely to emit lower frequency wavelengths, thus not providing as strong a stimulus as you’d experience from a medical-grade device.






Does Red Light Therapy Cure Depression?

Contrary to anecdotal reports and unjustified claims, red light therapy has yet to prove to be an effective treatment for mental illnesses such as chronic depression and anxiety. More research needs to be done before suggesting any type of viable claim regarding mental illness. This doesn’t discount, however, the fact that regular red light therapy can improve short-term wellness such as mood and energy levels.



A Final Word

With endless beneficial applications, red light therapy is an up-and-coming alternative therapy that deserves the attention it has garnered. While more research is certainly welcomed on the matter, there’s no denying that it can act as an effective mechanism for improving recovery, athletic performance, skin health, and other health-related ailments.




Check out Lumitter for more info on red light therapy and how it can benefit you health and fitness