Why Are Red And Near-Infrared Wavelengths Considered The Most Beneficial?

Why Are Red And Near-Infrared Wavelengths Considered The Most Beneficial?

 The red and near-infrared wavelengths are considered the most beneficial because they produce a warming effect on your body and help to slow down the aging process.

When exposed to high, objects generally emit a red color and a warm feeling all over the body. For example, if you apply heat to an ailing back by pressing a hot water bag against it, you will notice that the discomfort will gradually go away. Infrared (IR) and near-infrared (NIR) waves are primarily responsible for producing this warmth.

In addition, the waves produce certain biological changes in your cells, which in turn positively impact your health in a variety of ways. Within the cells, they transform the light energy into energy that may be used for mechanical work and metabolic processes.

 There are a lot of reasons why the red and near-infrared wavelengths can be beneficial to your health. For example, they inhibit the enzyme cytochrome C oxidase, which in turn protects against disease and accelerates healing of wounds. They also reduce the production of free radicals and abnormal apoptosis.

The red and near-infrared wavelengths might enhance energy that is stored in the mitochondria, which are known as the "powerhouse" of your cells. They contribute to the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is used for energy; oxygen; RNA; and protein.

The red and near-infrared wavelengths might also be used to improve circulation in your body by increasing blood flow to capillaries, so nutrients can be delivered more efficiently to muscles—this will help prevent soreness after a workout session.

With the consideration of the need for people to have access to both NIR & Red light therapy devices all of Lumitter's products have been created with both wavelengths. Further to this, we have gone above and beyond with our products with all of our products having not just 2 wavelengths but 5!