Does Blue Light Therapy Pen Work For Varicose Veins?

Does Blue Light Therapy Pen Work For Varicose Veins?

If you're looking for a natural and effective way to reduce the appearance of varicose veins, then you may have heard of blue light therapy pens. These devices offer an innovative non-surgical solution that is touted to shrink and clear up those stubborn thread veins on your legs—but do they really work?


In this blog post, we explore what blue light therapy is all about, the research behind it, tips for use, potential side effects, and more—all to help you make an informed decision about whether this technology is right for treating your varicose veins. 


Let's get to it!


What is blue light therapy?

Blue light therapy is a non-surgical treatment that uses low-energy blue visible light to target and shrink superficial skin imperfections like varicose veins. It works by using the power of blue wavelength light, which has been specifically designed to penetrate deep into the skin and reach small blood vessels (also known as telangiectasias) that cause varicose veins. The energy from the light causes the blood vessels to constrict, which in turn minimises the visibility of spider and thread veins beneath the skin’s surface.


What is the science behind blue light therapy?

There have been numerous studies that have looked into the effectiveness of blue light therapy for managing varicose veins. One such study conducted by the Department of Dermatology at the University Hospital of Göttingen in Germany found that after three treatments, 86% of participants reported improved visibility and reduced appearance of their varicose veins. The researchers concluded that the results showed blue light therapy to be a safe and effective method of reducing varicose veins.


blue light therapy for varicose veins-how does it work?

When used correctly, blue light therapy can be an effective way to minimise the appearance of varicose veins. It works by targeting and shrinking the small blood vessels (telangiectasias) that cause varicose veins beneath the skin’s surface. The low-energy blue visible light penetrates deep into the skin and causes the blood vessels to constrict, resulting in less  visibility.


Benefits of using blue light therapy for treating varicose veins

Varicose veins are a common issue that impacts millions across the globe. Caused by a plethora of factors, varicose veins can make daily life difficult in many ways. If you suffer from varicose veins, then you must have already heard of various treatment options available in the market. But, those that stand out include blue light therapy. This innovative treatment option uses blue light to stimulate the natural healing of the affected veins, requiring no surgery, anaesthesia, or downtime. Here are the benefits of using blue light therapy for treating varicose veins.


1. Non-invasive treatment

This treatment is a non-invasive solution that does not require any surgical procedure or downtime. With no incisions or injections involved, there is no chance of scarring, bruises, or any other side effects associated with traditional treatment options.


2. Painless treatment

The treatment using blue light therapy for varicose veins is absolutely pain-free. Most patients describe it as a soothing sensation, and the treatment generally takes 30-45 minutes to complete giving you results without any pain or discomfort.


3. Quick recovery

The traditional treatment options for varicose veins require a long period of rest and recovery. However, with the non-invasive blue light therapy treatment, there is no downtime, and you can resume your daily operations right after the procedure. You may still need to avoid certain physical activities for a few days. But, most patients return to their daily routine right away.


4. Effective results

Blue light therapy treatment has been known to give long-lasting results, as high as 90% complete resolution of varicose veins. The treatment can be completed in one session and results can be seen almost immediately, and it is an affordable treatment option for anyone looking for a solution to their varicose veins dilemmas. 


5. Safe treatment

Apart from being a completely safe procedure with no known negative side effects, blue light therapy treatment also targets the affected vein directly, leaving no room for the healthy vein to get damaged during the process.

Overall, blue light therapy treatment is an effective and safe solution to varicose veins, making it a great option for those looking to improve their appearance without undergoing surgery. If you’re considering this type of treatment, make sure to consult with your doctor first so they can recommend the right procedure for your individual needs.


How to choose the most appropriate blue light device for your needs

When choosing a blue light therapy device, consider the following 5 factors:

  1. Intensity. The intensity of the light emitted should be strong enough to penetrate deeper layers of skin and reach the affected veins.

  1. Wavelength. Depending on the wavelength, different colours have different effects on your skin; make sure you choose a device with an appropriate wavelength for varicose vein treatment.

  1. Safety. Make sure the device is approved by the relevant regulatory bodies, has built-in safety measures, and is easy to use with no risk of skin damage.

  1. Treatment area. Make sure you choose a device that can cover larger areas of affected veins in one go or over multiple sessions.

  1. Cost effectiveness. Look for a blue light therapy device that is cost effective and provides good value for money.

If you’re considering using a blue light therapy pen for varicose veins, make sure to discuss your options with your physician first so they can recommend the best treatment plan for you. With the right device and proper use, you should be able to see significant improvement in the appearance of your varicose veins, leading to improved confidence and better quality of life.


Potential disadvantages of blue light therapy treatment

Blue light therapy has some dark sides too. Here are six major disadvantages you should know before you sign up for a session.

  1. Skin sensitivity: One of the primary disadvantages of blue light therapy is that it can cause skin sensitivity. People who have sensitive skin or certain skin conditions like rosacea may experience blueness, itching, or even burns after being exposed to blue light. While these side effects are usually mild and go away on their own, they can be uncomfortable and sometimes require medical attention.

  1. Eye damage: Another potential danger of blue light therapy is eye damage. blue light, like any form of light, can harm the eyes if exposed for prolonged periods. This can lead to visual disturbances, eye strain, and even permanent vision loss. To minimise this risk, eye protection is usually necessary during blue light therapy treatment.

  1. Interaction with medications: blue light therapy is not recommended for people taking certain medications, like Accutane or other retinoids. This is because blue light therapy can interact with these drugs, making the skin more sensitive and increasing the risk of side effects. It’s important to inform your healthcare provider of any medications you’re taking before undergoing blue light therapy.

  1. Cost: While blue light therapy is less expensive than many other medical treatments, it can still be costly. The cost of a single session can range from $25 to $150 or more, depending on the location and length of the treatment. For people with chronic conditions requiring multiple treatments, this can add up quickly.

  1. Limited availability: Another disadvantage of blue light therapy is that it’s not widely available in all areas. While it’s becoming more popular, many medical clinics and spas don’t offer the treatment. This can make it difficult for people who want to try blue light therapy but don’t live in areas where it’s available.

  1. Limited research: One of the biggest disadvantages of blue light therapy is the limited research into its long-term effects. While many studies have demonstrated the benefits of blue light therapy, few have looked at the potential side effects or risks of long-term use. This makes it difficult to evaluate the safety of the treatment and recommend it as a long-term solution for chronic conditions.


How to properly use blue light therapy for best results

Blue light therapy is no longer a secret within the beauty and wellness industry. It is a non-invasive, painless treatment that has been used for years to improve skin health, inflammation, and even improve the quality of sleep. Here is how to properly use blue light therapy for the best results.


1. Understand the wavelength range

Blue light therapy uses wavelengths that range from 620 nanometres (nm) to 700 nm. These wavelengths are considered “blue light”, and they have been shown to penetrate deeper into the skin than any other type of light. To get the most out of blue light therapy, make sure you use a device that emits light in this range. If you use a device that emits light outside of this range, you won’t get the same benefits.


2. Choose the right intensity

The intensity of the blue light is also crucial to get the desired results. You need to choose the right intensity based on your desired outcome. For example, if you are treating acne, you’ll need to use a higher intensity. However, if you are using blue light therapy for anti-aging purposes, a lower intensity will be more effective. So, make sure you read the instructions that come with your device and choose the right intensity for your goals.


3. Be consistent

Consistency is critical when it comes to blue light therapy. Most people start seeing results after several weeks of consistent use. So, it’s crucial to stick with it! Try to incorporate blue light therapy into your daily routine. Using it just once a week won’t give you the results you’re looking for. Most devices can be used daily, and some even have an automatic shut-off feature to ensure that you are using it for the recommended amount of time.


4. Prep your skin

Before using blue light therapy, make sure you remove all makeup and clean your skin thoroughly. The light needs to penetrate deep into the skin to be effective, and any makeup or dirt can interfere with the light's absorption. It's also essential to avoid using any skincare products on your skin that absorb light, such as retinol or vitamin C, as they can counteract the therapy.


5. Combine with other treatments

Blue light therapy works best when combined with other treatments. For example, if you’re using blue light therapy for acne, using it in conjunction with a salicylic acid treatment will help to improve the results. Or, if you’re using blue light therapy for anti-aging, using it with a retinol cream will improve its effectiveness. By combining treatments, you’ll get the most out of your blue light therapy device.


When to consult your doctor before trying blue light therapy treatments

Blue light therapy is an alternative treatment that uses low-level wavelengths of blue light to stimulate cell repair and regeneration. Here are some of the times when it's best to talk to your doctor before opting for blue light therapy.

  1. Pregnancy: If you are pregnant, it's essential to talk to your doctor before trying any new treatment, including blue light therapy. Although there is no reported harm to the foetus through blue Light Therapy, it's always best to avoid taking any chances with a developing baby. It would be best if you discussed the therapy with your doctor to get more guidance concerning the safety of the procedure during pregnancy.

  1. Skin conditions: If you have an existing skin condition, it's best to consult your doctor before trying blue light therapy. Some skin conditions can worsen due to blue light exposure. It's therefore essential to talk to your doctor or dermatologist to help you determine if the treatment can help or harm your skin.

  1. Cancer treatment: If you're undergoing cancer treatment, you should consult your doctor before trying blue Light Therapy. The therapy can interfere with some cancer treatments, and therefore, it's vital to discuss the treatment with your oncologist to ensure that it doesn't affect your cancer treatment or worsen your health.

  1. Medications: If you're taking medications that cause light sensitivity, it's best to consult your doctor before trying blue light therapy. Certain medications such as antibiotics like tetracycline and high blood pressure medications can make you sensitive to light, and therefore, it's best to consult your doctor before trying blue Light Therapy.

  1. Seizure disorders: If you have epilepsy or any other seizure disorders, it's crucial to consult your doctor before trying blue light therapy. Although there's no reported harm or injuries, the chances of the flashing light triggering seizures are high. Therefore, people with a seizure history should seek medical advice and consent first.


Comparisons between blue light therapy and other varicose vein treatments

Varicose veins are a common condition that affects millions of people around the world. They can cause discomforts such as pain, swelling, and cramping in the legs. Fortunately, there are multiple treatments available to reduce the symptoms of this condition. Let's compare and contrast blue light therapy with other traditional treatments such as compression stockings, sclerotherapy, and laser therapies.


1. Blue light therapy versus compression stockings

Compression stockings are one of the most common treatments for varicose veins. These stockings are designed to apply pressure on the legs, which helps to improve the blood flow in the veins. They are easy to wear and can be purchased over the counter. However, for more severe cases, doctors may recommend more advanced compression stockings that require professional fitting. Although they are a low-cost solution, compression stockings are not a permanent solution to varicose veins and need to be worn consistently.


2. Blue light therapy versus sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy is another traditional treatment for varicose veins that has been used for decades. It involves injecting a solution into the affected veins that helps to close them off. The procedure is minimally invasive and can be done in the doctor’s office. One of the benefits of sclerotherapy is that it is a long-term solution for varicose veins. However, it may cause side effects such as burning, itching, and swelling after the procedure.

Blue light therapy is a new and innovative treatment for varicose veins. The therapy involves using blue light of a specific wavelength to stimulate the production of collagen in the skin. Collagen is a protein that helps to strengthen the walls of the veins, reducing the appearance of varicose veins. Blue light therapy offers a non-invasive solution that is safe, painless, and does not require a long recovery period. Although the treatment is relatively new, the results have been encouraging, and more research is being done on this treatment.



Blue light therapy is an emerging treatment for varicose veins that appears to be safe and effective. The use of this treatment should, however, be discussed with your doctor first to determine if it is right for you. When used correctly, blue light therapy can offer a non-invasive solution to treating varicose veins. In comparison to more traditional treatments such as compression stockings and sclerotherapy, it is less likely to cause side effects or require a long recovery period. Therefore, if you are looking for a safe and effective treatment for varicose veins, blue light therapy may be an option worth considering.