Red Light Therapy Device Review

Red Light Therapy Device Review

Are you in the market for a new solution to improve your overall health and wellness? Today, we’ll be taking a closer look at red light therapy - one of the most popular treatments around. Red light therapy has been used for centuries to treat various medical conditions, but how does it work and can it really make a difference on your journey towards better health?


In this blog post, we will examine what red light therapy is, its potential benefits, reviews from people who have tried it out and where you can purchase an effective device.

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Read on to find out if investing in a redlight therapy machine could be beneficial for you!


Overview of Red Light Therapy Devices

Red Light Therapy Devices have been used for centuries to treat a range of medical conditions. This form of therapy involves exposing the body to specific wavelengths and frequency bands of light that penetrate deep into the skin and stimulate the cells on a cellular level. Red light therapy devices typically emit red, near-infrared (NIR), or combinations of both wavelengths. These devices are used to target specific areas and heal from the inside out.

The use of Red Light Therapy Devices can be traced back to ancient Egypt, where sunlight was used to treat wounds and ailments. Since then, modern technologies have allowed for more targeted treatments that are better able to penetrate deeper layers of skin than natural sunlight.


How Does Red Light Therapy Work?

Red light therapy has been gaining popularity over the past few years as a non-invasive and pain-free alternative to traditional medical treatments. But how does this technology work? Here is the science behind red light therapy.

Red light therapy (RLT) uses red and near-infrared light to stimulate the body at a cellular level. The light penetrates the skin and is absorbed by the cells in the body, where it stimulates the mitochondria – the powerhouse of the cell – to produce more energy. This increase in energy has a number of benefits for the body, such as promoting healing, reducing inflammation, and increasing circulation.


The Benefits of Red Light Therapy Devices

One of the main benefits of red light therapy is its ability to promote wound healing. Red light therapy has been shown to speed up the healing process of wounds, burns, and other types of injuries. The light stimulates the cells in the body to produce more collagen, which is a protein that plays a key role in the healing process. Collagen helps to rebuild damaged tissue, which can speed up healing times for injuries.

Another benefit of red light therapy is its ability to reduce inflammation. Inflammation is a natural response in the body, but it can be harmful if it persists for too long. Red light therapy has been shown to reduce inflammation by increasing circulation and promoting the release of anti-inflammatory cytokines in the body.

Red light therapy has also been shown to have a positive effect on the skin. It can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines by promoting collagen production. It can also reduce the appearance of acne by killing the bacteria that causes it. In addition, red light therapy can reduce the appearance of scars by promoting collagen production and improving circulation.

Finally, red light therapy has been shown to have a positive effect on mood and sleep. The light stimulates the production of serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter that is important for regulating mood. It also stimulates the production of melatonin, which is a hormone that regulates sleep. Red light therapy has been shown to improve mood and sleep quality in people with depression and other mood disorders.


Different Types of Red Light Therapy Devices Available 

If you are looking to invest in a red light therapy device, it might be overwhelming to sift through the many different options on the market. Here are the different types of red light therapy devices available to help guide you towards the right choice for your needs.


1. Light panels

Light panels are the most common type of red light therapy device on the market. They are large flat panels containing numerous red and/or near-infrared light bulbs. These panels can be hung on the wall or placed on a stand and emit light that covers a large surface area of the body. They are typically used in professional settings but are also available for use at home. The downside to light panels is that they can be costly and may require a significant investment.


2. Handheld devices

Handheld devices are smaller than light panels and are designed for targeted application. They are easy to hold and can be used to treat specific areas of the body such as the face, hands, or feet. Handheld devices come in various sizes and shapes and often include features such as a timer, intensity settings, and rechargeable batteries. They are relatively affordable and accessible for most people.


3. Light therapy masks

Light therapy masks have become increasingly popular in recent years. These masks are designed to be worn over the face and emit red or near-infrared light towards the skin. Light therapy masks are a great option for those who want to incorporate red light therapy into their skincare routine. They can reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and acne. Light therapy masks also come with various features such as adjustable intensity levels and the option to switch between red and blue light.


4. Body wraps 

Body wraps are large flat mats that are designed to be wrapped around the body. These wraps emit red or near-infrared light over a large surface area and are well-suited for treating conditions such as chronic pain or inflammation. Body wraps are relatively affordable and are a great way to get full-body exposure to red light therapy.


5. Full body panels

Full body panels are large panels that emit red or near-infrared light and are designed to be used in professional settings such as spas or gyms. They offer full-body exposure and are typically used to treat conditions such as muscle soreness or stiffness. Full-body panels can be expensive and may require a significant investment.


What Are the Potential Side Effects of Red Light Therapy?

Here are 6 potential side effects and disadvantages of red light therapy, so you can make an informed decision about whether it's right for you.

  1. Eye damage: Red light therapy can damage the retina, so it's important to protect your eyes during treatment. Some clinics provide eye protection for patients, but if you're using a red light therapy device at home, it's essential to wear specially designed googles to avoid eye damage.

  1. Skin rashes: Some people experience redness, swelling, and itchiness after red light therapy. These side effects are usually mild and only last for a few hours. However, if you experience severe rashes or blisters, stop using the device immediately and seek medical attention.

  1. Headache: Red light therapy can cause headaches, especially if you're using a powerful device for an extended period. If you're prone to headaches, start with short sessions and gradually increase the time to avoid discomfort.

  1. Nausea: Some individuals experience nausea during red light therapy. This side effect is rare, but if you feel nauseous during treatment, stop using the device and take a break. It's also a good idea to hydrate yourself before and after treatment to prevent nausea and dizziness.

  1. Fatigue: Red light therapy promotes relaxation and can cause drowsiness. This is a desirable effect for some people, but if you're using a device during the day, it's important to avoid using it for extended periods to prevent fatigue.

  1. Decreased blood pressure: Red light therapy can lower blood pressure, which is beneficial for people with hypertension. However, if you have low blood pressure, be careful when using the device, as it can make your blood pressure drop further.


What to Look for When Shopping Around for a Red Light Therapy Device 

If you're looking for a powerful and cost-effective way to enhance your physical performance and well-being, red light therapy might be the perfect solution. Thanks to its ability to regenerate cells, increase circulation, and provide a range of other health benefits, red light therapy has become increasingly popular in recent years. But with so many different devices on the market, how do you know which one to choose? Here are what to look for when shopping around for a red light therapy device.

  1. Wavelength and intensity: One of the most important things to consider when choosing a red light therapy device is the wavelength and intensity of the light. Red light therapy uses wavelengths of around 600-700 nanometres, which fall within a specific range of the light spectrum that has been shown to promote healing and growth. When it comes to intensity, you should look for a device that offers a high level of photon density, which helps ensure that the light penetrates deeply into your skin and tissues.

  1. Size and portability: Another key factor to consider when choosing a red light therapy device is the size and portability of the unit. If you plan to use your device at home, you'll want to choose one that's compact and easy to move around. Look for a device that's small enough to fit on a tabletop or shelf, and that comes with a convenient carrying case or storage bag. For those who plan to use their device on the go, a compact, battery-powered unit may be the best choice.

  1. Treatment options and ease of use: When it comes to red light therapy, there are a variety of different treatment options available, including full-body treatments, targeted treatments for specific areas, and even handheld devices that can be used for spot treatments. When choosing a device, you'll want to consider your specific needs and preferences to determine which type of treatment is right for you. You'll also want to choose a device that's easy to use, with intuitive controls and clear instructions for optimal results.

  1. Durability and warranty: As with any investment in a health and wellness product, you'll want to choose a red light therapy device that's built to last. Look for a device that's made with high-quality materials and that has a solid, sturdy design. You'll also want to choose a device that comes with a long warranty or guarantee, so you can have peace of mind that you're getting a product that's built to last.

  1. Price and value: Finally, when shopping around for a red light therapy device, it's important to consider the price and value of the product. While it's true that you get what you pay for, you don't necessarily need to break the bank to get a high-quality red light therapy device. Look for a product that offers a good balance of performance, durability, and affordability, and that will provide you with the targeted, effective treatments you need to look and feel your best.



After considering the benefits and drawbacks of using a red light therapy device, it's clear that they are an amazing tool which can be used to treat a wide range of conditions. Not only do they offer an alternative to traditional methods, but they often provide far better results with less effort and time. Furthermore, the effects of this type of therapy can last for months or even years and are both cost-effective and non-invasive. Red light therapy devices offer a unique way to improve your health, increase energy, reduce pain, and boost performance. If you're looking for an advantage that can help you take your overall wellbeing to the next level, then be sure to give one of these powerful tools a try!